End of Year Reflections and Goals for a New Year

Dear Praying  Friends,


During the beautiful Christmas season, we rejoice greatly over a wonderful year of ministry. The Lord has opened doors of ministry literally from coast to coast. Many thousands of miles have been traveled by air, car, bus, and even train, but we are not just on any extended vacation, we have been blessed to have personally seen around 150 souls come to know Christ. Whether they walked down an aisle or met at their door or came after a service it was such a blessing to watch God's do a miraculous work in their life.

People being saved is my heartbeat, but this year more than ever, I have had such a passion to see Christians give their all for the Lord.   I have realized there will be people that I can never reach that some of the teens and others that have been ministered to are able to reach. We have watched God do some amazing things, as folks decided to quit living the mediocre Christian life and go forward.

I've done much praying concerning, my role in evangelism!  An evangelist simply is one that is a  proclaimer of the gospel obviously all Christians are to do this, but God specially equips and burdens an evangelist to "aggressively" pursue those with the Gospel.

With the opportunity to preach to literally thousands this year alone, my heart still aches for those overseas. God has blessed us mightily in evangelism, many have been saved and other great things have been accomplished, but I know the Lord wants more from me.

Many would say, "Adrian, you are doing 'well' in evangelism, why would you 'rock the boat' Something must change, I've discussed overseas, been burdened about overseas, but now its time to take a step of faith. My family is getting their passports, and we are ready for God to not only use us here in the states but also overseas. 

 There are places that we have been invited, yet have not had peace nor finances to go as of yet. 


Financially in evangelism we simply live off of our love offerings, some churches take us on for support, but mainly love offerings are our livelihood.  In the coming year, I'm asking to present the work of what we do now and Lord willing what we will do in Missions Conferences and other avenues to see the need of evangelism here and around the world . Monthly support would ease the pressure of going overseas for long periods of time. The current evangelism model is 'you preach you eat'  It's pretty simple, but the truth is pretty much there. Monthly support could allow us to go overseas without fear of canceling a meeting that could potentially meet our physical needs.

Being young in evangelism, I thought it quite noble to never voice a need, but I have come to find that its really a altered form of pride. I do not think all business should be open, but voicing needs for prayer and attention is something Paul did quite often. Would you please pray with us about this matter, and truly consider giving us an opportunity to help others see the ministry of Evangelism not just here but around the world.

May God richly bless you and your ministries!